
Cute Girl

August 17, 2013

Outfit: Cute girl (shorts, top, óculos) - FLG

Tiara: Pretty bow - headband three (lucky board) - ATOOLY

Sandalia: FringeMorocco sandal - ANEXX

Cabelo: London - TRUTH

Skin: :F: Group.Gift#3.2013 - FILTHY

Shape: :[GiZiBe]: Body Shop - Minzy - Comming Soon



August 16, 2013

Cabelo: Jessica - CaTwA
Top : (sadique Set) Top - MISS CANNING

Skin: Penelope_beach- Seis tons, três sobrancelhas - preto / louro / castanho - shape incluido,(500 L$) por tempo limitado - FILTHY

Sombra: Leopard yeshadow red - FILTHY

Calça: Ripped legs - MISS CANNING

Cinto: My muse female - SCRUB

Luva: Bracelets, gloves - louLou&CO
Tatuagem: Alice in Scaryland - Vestigium 

Sapatos: Ysaline Heels - EC



August 14, 2013

Cabelo: Eaters Coma - HAIR 13 - EATERS COMA

Skin: Penelope_beach- Seis tons, três sobrancelhas - preto / louro / castanho - shape incluido,(500 L$) por tempo limitado - FILTHY - NEW

 Top: Sweet Top - AUSHKA&CO

Shorts: Lavinia jeans shorts - MISS CANNING

About Me

AmorahCherry in Second Life since 2008, I created this blog with love to share tips fashions, news, promotions, events, everything about the universe female inside Second Life. Are welcome and any questions about the blog, look for me and I will do my best to help you.

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